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Multi-agency risk assessment and management plan (MARAMP)

Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Plan (MARAMP) is a tool used by various partner agencies, children, young people, care leavers, and their families to assess and manage risks. Here’s a simplified breakdown:

What is a MARAMP?

  • Purpose: To identify and manage risks for a child, young person, or care leaver.
  • Participants: Can be used by any partner agency, the child/young person, care leaver, and their family. If Children’s Social Care is involved, they must participate.
  • Usage: Can be used alongside other tools like the Strengths and Needs Form and Early Help Tools, regardless of whether the child is open to Children’s Social Care.

Key Features

  • Risk Identification: Lists current, known, and predicted risks.
  • Risk Management: Details measures needed to reduce risks to an acceptable level.
  • Collaboration: Encourages sharing information and collective responsibility across agencies and families.
  • Integration: Can be used alongside other assessments and planning processes if there are significant risks not covered elsewhere.


  1. Identify Risks: Assess current and future risks.
  2. Develop Plan: Create a risk management plan with actions to reduce or manage risks.
  3. Multi-Agency Involvement: Complete the MARAMP with input from all relevant parties, including the child/young person and their family.

For further information: