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OSCB training news

Date: Thursday, 29th Aug 2024 | Category: General

The OSCB has now published its annual updated ‘Training Policy’ for 2024 – 2025. Please read through it so you are aware of any changes.

An exciting new addition to our core eLearning offer is the introduction of an ‘Advanced Safeguarding’ course for those practitioners who regularly work with a child or children and young people on a one-to-one basis, i.e. as a lone adult. This course is specialist (level 3) and has been designed for practitioners who could potentially contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and evaluating the needs where there are safeguarding/child protection concerns, including those practitioners who work with children from the ‘Early Years’ ( 0 – 5 years).

Please access the course here: eLearning : Advanced-Safeguarding-20242025 (