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Meet the team

The OSCP aims to keep children in Oxfordshire as safe as possible by making sure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities regarding safeguarding through training, learning and local resources. The Business Unit supports the partnership to do this.

Our Business Unit is funded through partnership contributions and comprises 3 full-time and 3 part-time posts. The County Council is currently our main funder and accountable body but everything we do is done in partnership with colleagues not just from social care, education and community safety but health, police, schools and the voluntary sector to name a few. In addition, we have an Independent Scrutineer, which helps to ensure that the partnership has external scrutiny and challenge.  We are a small but established team, passionate about keeping children safe and committed to our work.

For further information on our structure and subgroups. please see: Partnership structure and subgroups.  Our overall safeguarding arrangements are outlined in the Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Multi-Agency Arrangements.

Our role is varied as a team: we organise over 60 partnership meetings, keep a number of reviews underway, organise training for over 10000 practitioners across the county each year and lead 2-3 learning events and an annual conference, each year.  We have developed safeguarding advice and guidance, and have an online multi-agency safeguarding procedures manual, which you can find on our website.

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Laura Gajdus, Business Manager

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Carole Kinnell, Learning and Improvement Co-ordinator


Gay Suggitt, Training Co-ordinator

Senior Administrator (job-share) – post currently vacant


Lenka Devereux, Senior Administrator (job-share)

May 2024 NK

Nausheen Khurram, Administrative Officer